Exhibit Registration

Exhibit registration is now open for the 2025 Winter Scientific Seminar. Registration packet and online registration link are available on the Society Meetings page.

Those participating in the upcoming Winter Scientific Seminar are Doctors of Podiatric Medicine. We expect 240-270 Doctors of Podiatric Medicine and 65-80 Podiatric Medical Assistants. 

Exhibit fees, $1950 per single space, include one piped and draped space, eight feet wide by eight feet deep, covered table and two chairs, waste basket, and registration for ONE representative. Fees for double-booths include TWO representatives. Additional representatives may attend at a cost of $200.00 per representative, regardless of the duration of their attendance. Electrical fees are $150.00 each.

Exhibit Hours
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Noon – 6:00 pm (Set Up)

Thursday, January 16, 2025
7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday, January 17, 2025
7:00 am – 7:30 pm

Saturday, January 18, 2025
7:00 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am – Noon (Tear Down)

Exhibits will set up on Wednesday, January 15, from Noon – 6:00 pm. Exhibits will break down on Saturday, January 18, after the morning break. Exhibits will be open each day, beginning at 7:00 am. Continental breakfast and morning and afternoon refreshment breaks will be held in the Exhibit Hall. We will have a reception on Friday night in the Exhibit Hall. Lunch on Thursday and Friday will be held with attending physicians on the second floor in the Grandview Ballrooms.

Those organizations interested in sponsoring educational events at the Winter Scientific Seminar are asked to contact Executive Director, Jean Kirk, via email to contact@ncfootandankle.org. Sponsors must complete the registration form to reserve exhibit space! Click HERE to download the sponsorship agreement. 

Workshop slots have been made available for Thursday morning and afternoon, Friday morning and afternoon, and Saturday morning. Workshops are used to further educate attending physicians on products, procedures, and services. Workshop cost includes private room with basic audio/visual setup (i.e., electrical cart and screen), round tables for seating attendees or placing items for viewing, electrical service to tables, covered tables for materials, and one email sent by the Society office announcing your workshop’s time, date, and location (formal formatted information must be provided by the workshop sponsor). Workshop cost is $2500. Contact the Society office for additional information.

Review exhibit choices before registering. Space is assigned as paid registrations are received. Every exhibit space is governed by the Rules and Regulations. Be advised that corner spaces near the Main Entrance and near the Food and Beverage are the first to be sold. Space will be assigned in the order of receipt. Please don’t delay, This trade show will sell out!

The Grandover Resort is located at 1000 Club Road, Greensboro NC 27407. The group rate for this event is $239 per night, single or double. Premium King and Parlor Suite rooms are available for an additional fee. The deadline to reserve a sleeping room at the group rate is December 16, 2024 OR when the block sells out. Call Grandover Reservations directly at 336/294-1800. Let them know you’re with the NC Foot & Ankle Society to receive the group rate.

It is the primary contact’s responsibility to review the information and share with each attending representative. By completion and return of the Exhibit Contract & Sponsor Registration Form or the online registration, you and your representatives agree to adhere to the rules and regulations as outlined below. Failure to conform or comply could result in forfeiture of fees and jeopardize invitations to future programs. The individual listed on the Exhibit Contract & Sponsor Registration Form as the Primary Contact bears full and exclusive responsibility for informing all attending representatives of these guidelines.

We appreciate your continued support of the Society and our attendees. Your loyalty and participation are an integral part of our Seminar.