Radiology Certification

The State of North Carolina currently has no educational or training requirement for podiatric medical assistants assisting or completing X-rays. However, it is the responsibility of each supervising physician to ensure that X-ray equipment is located and maintained as required by the NC Department of Health and Human Services and to provide training to staff and any required personal protective equipment for patients and staff.

The North Carolina Foot & Ankle Society conducts a certification course for podiatric medical assistants who complete X-rays. This course is held annually, in conjunction with the Society’s Winter Scientific Seminar.  The process includes self-study of the course manual, course attendance, documentation of completion of 20 foot and 20 ankle X-rays, and passing a written examination. The objective of this course is to certify individuals to complete X-rays in a manner that protects the health and safety of the patient and staff member and that also provides an accurate representation of the anatomical structures of the foot and ankle.

The course curriculum includes, but is not limited to:
Basic Terminology
Osseous Anatomy
Radiology Physics and Terminology
X-Ray Production
Radiation Effects on Living Tissue, including mutations, somatic and genetic changes, and cell sensitivity
Image Production
Cassettes and Intensifying Screens
Film Construction, Storage, and Handling
Film Processor and Processor Principles (if needed; most have digital equipment)
Radiology Safety
Infection Control and Universal Precautions
Standard Foot and Ankle Positions

At the conclusion of the eight-hour course, an examination is administered. The examination includes 100 multiple choice and true false questions. Every question is taken directly from the self-study manual provided to registrants. A score greater than 65% is required to pass. As of the January 2024 administration, the passing rate is 87% and the average score is 85.2%. 

Those receiving a failing exam score may schedule to take the examination at a later date. It is typical to wait 2 – 4 weeks before retaking the exam. Those failing a second time will be required to retake the course at the reduced rate of $125.